AiM Gait Therapy

This is a great method for online sessions, at the moment, to relieve pain and resolve issues.
“I found my online 1:1 session particularly helpful, especially as I’ve been unable to have my usual mot with the physio or chiropractor.
I really wasn’t sure if it would help or how much it would help! Particularly in just one 45 minute slot! 
What’s been amazing is that your great coaching and expert and specifically tailored teaching…has not only taken the nagging pain away…but has also had added benefits – since I’ve regularly been practising my new exercises I have discovered it’s had an extraordinary impact on my horse riding position!”

Anatomy in Motion (AiM) is the ground-breaking, effective, one-to-one technique created by Gary Ward and featured on Dr Chatterjee’s Doctor In The House TV programme and in his book The 4 Pillar Plan as well as in Gary’s book, What The Foot.

The technique involves an analysis of movement patterns followed by re-establishing those that are missing or ‘faulty’ in order to improve function, reduce pain and re-introduce freedom of movement.

looks at the whole body and how it is moving, because it’s all inter-connected. It surprises many people to discover that their knee problem is unlikely to be due to a malfunction in their knee – it is often due to an issue with the foot or the hip, and can even be due to a spine, rib or shoulder not moving correctly!

If one or more of these joints is not moving as it should, the knee may get into trouble. Likewise with the lower back – pain and problems here are often down to the foot, the hip or the upper back. By discovering what the root cause is, the problem is more likely to be resolved long-term. The aim is to restore optimal movement patterns that have been lost through injury, pain or simply the habits of daily living.

AiM Gait Therapy is suitable for rehabilitation and also injury prevention.

What you can expect from an AiM session:

Various assessments, possibly including a filmed gait-assessment, and a simple foot scan
Explanations as to what may be occurring and how that relates to the issue(s) presented
Specific exercises that are devised to restore movement patterns that your body is failing to use, including detailed instructions for home practice if necessary/required
Reversal of limiting body compensations that are due to injury and/or daily habits
Increased mobility, strength and freedom of movement, as well as pain relief and injury prevention
Positive postural changes and associated benefits such as improvements in ease of movement, mood, breathing and digestion

If you feel that your pain is preventing you from living fully, or that your body holds you back from the things you want to do in life, if you suffer with back pain, sciatica, hip, knee, ankle or foot problems, shoulder pain or muscle tightness, AiM can help you.

Practitioner Details

Becky Britchford