About Natural Therapies

Acupuncture and TCM

Acupuncture is a system  of healing which has been practised in China and other eastern countries  for thousands of years. It is used to treat a wide range of illness though it  is often only known for its ability to treat pain. Its focus is on improving  the overall well-being of the patient, rather than …

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – CBT

The History of CBT In the 1950’s a set of techniques was developed which   focussed on removing symptoms of emotional distress, by dealing directly with   the symptoms involved, rather than their deep-seated, underlying historical   causes. This was called ‘behaviour therapy’ and was found to be very effective   for the treatment of anxiety disorders, particularly specific …


Hypnotherapy is a completely safe and swift form of therapy. It’s the most effective tool there is for harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, generating mental and even physiological changes that last. By deeply relaxing in a natural way your subconscious becomes open to change. Your imagination then has the power to make the …

Integrative Counselling

There are a number of different interpretations of what integrative counselling/therapy is. At Woodlands, each of the integrative therapists works in a similar way. Our interpretation of integrative working is that the therapist is trained and experienced in two, or possibly, three key therapeutic approaches. The main combination is client centred theory, which is non-directive …

Remedial Massage

Deep tissue massage helps to improve  flexibility and reduce pain. Often when muscles are held in one position for  long periods, as is so often the case whist we’re driving or using computers,  they become compromised. They can begin to form adhesions (that we commonly  call ” knots”) which hold the muscle tight, making movement  …

Psychodynamic Counselling

History Psychodynamic counselling includes a range of theories originating from the pioneers of psychoanalysis such as Freud, Jung and Klein in the early 20th century. They examined and created theories around drives, defences, the unconscious, human development and the therapeutic relationship. One of the many developments continuing today is Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) …

Zero Balancing

Zero Balancing is an advanced bodywork which specialises in balancing both the human energy field and its anatomical structure The Roots of Zero Balancing Developed in the 1970’s by Dr Fritz Smith MD, an Osteopath, Rolfer and Acupuncturist whose synthesis of knowledge became the bodywork system of Zero Balancing or ‘ZB’ for short. ZB is …