Acupuncture and TCM

Acupuncture is a system  of healing which has been practised in China and other eastern countries  for thousands of years. It is used to treat a wide range of illness though it  is often only known for its ability to treat pain. Its focus is on improving  the overall well-being of the patient, rather than isolated treatment of specific  symptoms.

Traditional Chinese philosophy states that our health is dependent on our Qi moving in a smooth and  balanced way through a series of channels beneath our skin. Qi is a motivating  energy and it consists of equal and opposite qualities symbolised by Yin and  Yang. If these forces become unbalanced, often caused by emotional imbalance,  illness or disease may result. By inserting needles into the channels an  acupuncturist can stimulate the body’s own healing ability and help restore  this imbalance.  Rebalancing the Qi not  only makes us feel physically well and able to resist disease, but it also  cultivates a balanced state of mind, often described as feeling in touch with  ourselves and our surroundings.

Your first visit…

Your first  consultation may be longer than subsequent sessions. The acupuncturist needs to  gather information in order to assess your general state of health as well as  the specific problem you are presenting. This helps the acupuncturist to  identify any possible underlying patterns of disharmony that may influence your  current state of health. This also allows the acupuncturist to give you the  most effective treatment.
You will be questioned  about your current symptoms and what treatment you may have received so far,  your medical history as well as that of your family, parents and siblings, your  diet, sleeping patterns and emotional experiences. The acupuncturist will also  feel your pulse and look at your tongue. The pulses are felt on both wrists and  there are a number of qualities that give information to you practitioner about  the quality and movement of your Qi and Blood.
The tongue colour and  coat also gives valuable diagnostic material to enable your acupuncturist to  make a diagnosis.
Once this information is  gathered together a diagnosis is made of your condition and treatment can  begin. Acupuncture points will be selected on the appropriate channels and the  rebalancing of the Qi will begin.
Treatment may also include the use of a herb called Moxa which used it warm the acupuncture points  or is burned on the needle to draw the warmth into the body.

How often do I need treatment?

As each person’s health  is considered individually this will vary considerably. This will depend upon  the severity and chronic nature of your problem and your body’s own ability to  heal itself. This may therefore vary from treatment once or twice per week for  up to 20 treatments or 3 -4 sessions for something as simple as a recent  sprain. Treatment is some times carried out over a short period with lots of  treatments in a short time or longer period with less visits in between.

At Woodlands the  Acupuncturists use pre-sterilised and individually packed needles, which are  disposed of once they have been used, and are subsequently incinerated.

Woodlands’ acupuncturists  are members of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC).  The BAcC maintains common standards of  ethics, discipline and practice to ensure the health and safety of the public  at all times.  BacC members are covered  by Medical Malpractice and Public/Products Liability insurance.

Practitioner Details

Joby Jackson
Rod Edlin